Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1Q. who was purple and conquered the world?
1A.Alexander the grape.
2Q.what do you call the roman empire who kept a mouse?
2A.julius cheeser.
3Q.why did robin hood rob only the rich?
3A.because the poor didn't have any thing worth stealing
4Q.what did the pencil say to the rubber?
4A.take me to your ruler.
5Q.teacher:which is the longest word you can think of?
5A.pupil:"smiles" because there is a mile between each "s"!
6Q.who is the worlds underwater spy?
6A.james pond
7Q.waiter,waiter,there's a fly in my soup!
7A.do be quiet,or everyone will want one sir.
8Q."sara,can you name two living things that don't have any teeth?asked the science teacher.
sara:yes granny and grandpa
9QWhen a glass breaks what is the sound that comes?
9A tish not tash your mother's sound comes broke the glass again_____.
10Q Which is the world biggest rope ?
10A EUROPE!because it has the word rope

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